I am using xpath to remove <br />
from nodes with this code below,
$nodeList = $xpath->query("//p[node()[1][self::br]]/br[1] | //p[node()[last()][self::br]]/br[last()] | //*[node()[last()][self::br]]/br[last()]");
foreach($nodeList as $node)
So it removes <p>Text<strong><br /></strong></p>
to <p>Text</p>
which is perfect.
But I don't want it to remove <br />
from <p>Text<strong>Bold<br /></strong>Break</p>
because the are text after <br />
How can I fix this?
If the node value of the <br>
's parent element node is an empty string, you want to remove it. That probably matches your needs better:
//br[string(..) = '']
A code example that shows which one is matching those (adds a remove attribute):
$xml = simplexml_load_string('
<p>Text<strong><br /></strong></p>
<p>Text<strong>Bold<br /></strong></p>
foreach($xml->xpath('//br[string(..) = ""]') as $br) {
$br['remove'] = 'remove';
echo $xml->asXML();
Output (Demo):
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<p>Text<strong><br remove="remove"/></strong></p>