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SSRS Report Manager, login as a different user

Microsoft's Report Manager documentation here:

states to start Report Manager:

2.In the address bar of the Web browser, type the Report Manager URL. By default, the URL is http://{ComputerName}/reports.

The login failed using IE 8, because the user account apparently did not have the correct permissions.

If I try to login again, IE 8 continues to show the error message.

Is there anyway to force the browser to display the login dialog again? (Without closing the browser of course.) I did try using another instance of IE, and that also displayed the login failed error.



  • There are a number of discussions related to this problem on various forums. What solves the problem for one does not seem to necessarily solve the problem for another.

    This Microsoft Connect post worked for me :

    User does not have required permissions. Verify that sufficient permissions have been granted and Windows User Account Control (UAC) restrictions have been addressed

    Dealing with "User Account Control (UAC) restrictions" meant disabling UAC on the server.

    Also, note there is an additional workaround mentioned. Users should run their browser as an administrator.