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Singular gradient error during bootstrapped nls fit to bad data

I have a dataset containing an independent variable and a set of dependent variables. I'd like to fit a function to each set of independent variables, using a bootstrapped nonlinear least squares procedure. In some cases, the independent variables are 'good quality', i.e. fit the function reasonably well. In other cases, they're noisy.

In all cases, I can use nls() to get an estimate of the parameters. However, when the data are noisy, a bootstrap throws the error Error in nls(...) : singular gradient. I can understand why nls fitting to noisy data would fail, e.g. by failing to converge after too many iterations, but I don't understand why it is a singular gradient error, and why I only get it resampled datasets of poor quality.



# Data are in long form: columns are 'enzyme', 'x', and 'y'
enz <- read.table("", header=TRUE)

# Nonlinear formula to fit to data
mmFormula <- formula(y ~ (x*Vmax) / (x + Km))

nls is perfectly capable of fitting the data (even if in some cases, like a, I doubt the model fits the data.

# Use nls to fit mmFormula to the data - this works well enough
fitDf <- ddply(enz, .(enzyme), function(x) coefficients(nls(mmFormula, x, start=list(Km=100, Vmax=0.5))))

# Create points to plot for the simulated fits
xGrid <- 0:200
simFits <- dlply(fitDf, .(enzyme), function(x) data.frame(x=xGrid, y=(xGrid * x$Vmax)/(xGrid + x$Km)))
simFits <- ldply(simFits, identity) 

ggplot() + geom_point(data=enz, aes(x=x, y=y)) + geom_line(data=simFits, aes(x=x, y=y)) + 
  facet_wrap(~enzyme, scales="free_y") + aes(ymin=0)

NLS fits of mmFormula to data

Bootstrapping works fine for the good quality data:

# Function to pass to bootstrap; returns coefficients of nls fit to formula
nlsCoef <- function(df, i) {
  KmGuess <- median(df$x)
  VmaxGuess <- max(df$y)
  dfSamp <- df[i,]
  nlsCoef <- coefficients(nls(mmFormula, dfSamp, start=list(Km=100, Vmax=0.5)))

eBoot <- boot(subset(enz, enzyme=="e"), nlsCoef, R=1000) #No error

But not for the poor quality data

dBoot <- boot(subset(enz, enzyme=="d"), nlsCoef, R=10)
> Error in nls(mmFormula, dfSamp, start = list(Km = KmGuess, Vmax = VmaxGuess)) : 
   singular gradient

What is causing this error? And what should I do about it, given that I'd like to use plyr to simultaneously perform lots of bootstrap simulations?


  • This allows you to examine what happens:

    #modified function
    #returns NAs if fit is not sucessfull
    #does global assignment to store bootstrap permutations
    nlsCoef <- function(df, i) {
      KmGuess <- median(df$x)
      VmaxGuess <- max(df$y)
      dfSamp <- df[i,]
      fit <- NULL
      try(fit <- nls(mmFormula, dfSamp, start=list(Km=100, Vmax=0.5)))
        res <- coef(fit)
      } else{
        res <- c(Km=NA,Vmax=NA)
      istore[k,] <<- i
      k <<- k+1
    n <- 100
    istore <- matrix(nrow=n+1,ncol=9)
    k <- 1
    dat <- subset(enz, enzyme=="d")
    dBoot <- boot(dat, nlsCoef, R=n) 
    #permutations that create samples that cannot be fitted
    nais <- istore[-1,][$t[,1]),]
    #look at first bootstrap sample 
    #that could not be fitted
    samp <- dat[nais[1,],]
    fit <- nls(mmFormula, samp, start=list(Km=100, Vmax=0.5))

    You can also use a self-starting model:

    try(fit <- nls(y ~ SSmicmen(x, Vmax, Km), data = dfSamp))

    With that error messages become a bit more informative. E.g., one error is

    too few distinct input values to fit a Michaelis-Menten model

    which means, that some bootstrap samples contain less then three distinct concentrations. But there are also some other errors:

    step factor 0.000488281 reduced below 'minFactor' of 0.000976562

    which you might be able to avoid by decreasing minFactor.

    The following are nasty. You could try different fitting algorithms or starting values with those:

    singular gradient matrix at initial parameter estimates
    singular gradient