In C++ code:
class CWindowUI {
public CWindowUI(const char* title,int width,int height);
static int CreateWindow(lua_State *l)
int width,height;
char *title;
CWindowUI **winp, *win;
name = (char *) luaL_checkstring(l, 1);
width= lua_tounsigned(l, 2);
height= lua_tounsigned(l, 3);
win = new CWindowUI(title,width,height);
if (win == NULL) {
lua_pushboolean(l, 0);
return 1;
winp = (CWindowUI **) lua_newuserdata(l, sizeof(CWindowUI *));
luaL_getmetatable(l, "WindowUI");
lua_setmetatable(l, -2);
*winp = win;
return 1;
In Lua code:
local win = CreateWindow("title", 480, 320);
win:resize(800, 600);
Now my question is:
Function CreateWindow
will return a object named win
and the function resize
is not defined. How do I get a notification when I call an undefined function in Lua?
The notification shall include the string "resize"
and the arguments 800,600
I want to modify the source to map the undefined function onto the callback function but it is incorrect .
How do I get a notification when I call an undefined function in lua.
You don't. Not in the way that you mean it.
You can hook an __index
metamethod onto your registered "WindowUI" metatable (*groan*). Your metamethod will only get the userdata it was called on and the key that was used.
But you cannot differentiate between a function call and simply accessing a member variable, since Lua doesn't differentiate between these. If you return a function from your metamethod, and the user invokes the function-call operator on the return from the metamethod, then it will be called. Otherwise, they get a function to play with as they see fit. They can store it, pass it around, call it later, whatever. It's a value, like any other.