What is the fastest way to swap two digits in a number in Python? I am given the numbers as strings, so it'd be nice if I could have something as fast as
string[j] = string[j] ^ string[j+1]
string[j+1] = string[j] ^ string[j+1]
string[j] = string[j] ^ string[j+1]
Everything I've seen has been much more expensive than it would be in C, and involves making a list and then converting the list back or some variant thereof.
This is faster than you might think, at least faster than Jon Clements' current answer in my timing test:
i, j = (i, j) if i < j else (j, i) # make sure i < j
s = s[:i] + s[j] + s[i+1:j] + s[i] + s[j+1:]
Here's my test bed should you want to compare any other answers you get:
import timeit
import types
N = 10000
R = 3
SUFFIX = '_test'
def setup():
import random
global s, i, j
s = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
i = random.randrange(len(s))
while True:
j = random.randrange(len(s))
if i != j: break
def swapchars_martineau(s, i, j):
i, j = (i, j) if i < j else (j, i) # make sure i < j
return s[:i] + s[j] + s[i+1:j] + s[i] + s[j+1:]
def swapchars_martineau_test():
global s, i, j
swapchars_martineau(s, i, j)
def swapchars_clements(text, fst, snd):
ba = bytearray(text)
ba[fst], ba[snd] = ba[snd], ba[fst]
return str(ba)
def swapchars_clements_test():
global s, i, j
swapchars_clements(s, i, j)
# find all the functions named *SUFFIX in the global namespace
funcs = tuple(value for id,value in globals().items()
if id.endswith(SUFFIX) and type(value) is types.FunctionType)
# run the timing tests and collect results
timings = [(f.func_name[:-SUFFIX_LEN],
min(timeit.repeat(f, setup=setup, repeat=R, number=N))
) for f in funcs]
timings.sort(key=lambda x: x[1]) # sort by speed
fastest = timings[0][1] # time fastest one took to run
longest = max(len(t[0]) for t in timings) # len of longest func name (w/o suffix)
print 'fastest to slowest *_test() function timings:\n' \
' {:,d} chars, {:,d} timeit calls, best of {:d}\n'.format(len(s), N, R)
def times_slower(speed, fastest):
return speed/fastest - 1.0
for i in timings:
print "{0:>{width}}{suffix}() : {1:.4f} ({2:.2f} times slower)".format(
i[0], i[1], times_slower(i[1], fastest), width=longest, suffix=SUFFIX)
For the special case of swapping digit characters in a positive decimal number given as a string, the following also works and is a tiny bit faster than the general version at the top of my answer.
The somewhat involved conversion back to a string at the end with the format()
method is to deal with cases where a zero got moved to the front of the string. I present it mainly as a curiosity, since it's fairly incomprehensible unless you grasp what it does mathematically. It also doesn't handle negative numbers.
n = int(s)
len_s = len(s)
ord_0 = ord('0')
di = ord(s[i])-ord_0
dj = ord(s[j])-ord_0
pi = 10**(len_s-(i+1))
pj = 10**(len_s-(j+1))
s = '{:0{width}d}'.format(n + (dj-di)*pi + (di-dj)*pj, width=len_s)