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JSDom Alternative with full Sizzle support?

For a bit of scope, I have a scraping app that I am running on cloudfoundry. Due to the Contextify problem discussed here, I am unable to use jsdom to do this.

To get around this problem I started to replace jsdom with Cheerio, however I have now realised it does not fully support the Sizzle selectors I need to use to process the scraped data.

After a little research I'm beginning to think I've hit a brick wall - is there another way around this problem?



  • sorry for the delay on this. You can now successfully install JSDOM on Cloudfoundry, however, it seems some functionality is unavailable. Creating a browser window, to use jQuery for example, is not possible. However, you can create a jsdom document.

    Given the following example;

      var http = require('http');
      var util = require('util');
      var jsdom = require("jsdom");
      http.createServer(function (req, res) {
        res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
        res.write("JSDom object;");
        res.write("\nNumber of node.js releases = ");
      function createDocAndQuery(response) {
        var doc = jsdom.jsdom("<html><body></body></html>", jsdom.level(1, "core"));
      function getLinkCount(response) {
          function (errors, window) {
            response.end ("" + window.$("a").length)

    The first part of this works on, the second part fails however, when creating a window object.