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Create UEFI partition using VDS

I'm trying to create UEFI partition using the IVdsCreatePartitionEx::CreatePartitionEx method.

In the CREATE_PARTITION_PARAMETERS struct parameter I passed PARTITION_SYSTEM_GUID (c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b) as the partitionType and GPT_BASIC_DATA_ATTRIBUTE_NO_DRIVE_LETTER (0x8000000000000000) as the attributes.

But I get an unknown partition with type c12a0000-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b.

Screenshot of DISKPART showing error .

Any ideas what can be wrong here?

Also I tried to create UEFI partition using WMI on Win8. But I got Error Value 41010 - The specified partition type is not valid. Here is my code

static void Main(string[] args)
        var scope = new ManagementScope(@"\\.\Root\Microsoft\Windows\Storage");

        const string query = "SELECT * FROM MSFT_Disk WHERE Number = 7";
        var objectQuery = new ObjectQuery(query);
        var seacher = new ManagementObjectSearcher(scope, objectQuery);
        var disks = seacher.Get();

        var disk = disks.Cast<ManagementObject>().FirstOrDefault();

        if (disk == null)
            throw new NoNullAllowedException("Disk is null");

        var parameters = disk.GetMethodParameters("CreatePartition");
        FillInvocationParameters(parameters, new Dictionary<string, object> { { "Size", 104857600 }, { "Offset", 5ul * 1024 * 1024 * 1024 }, { "Alignment", 512 }, { "AssignDriveLetter", false }, { "GptType", "c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b" }, { "IsHidden", false } });

        var result = disk.InvokeMethod("CreatePartition", parameters, null);
        var returnValue = result["ReturnValue"];
    catch (Exception exception)
static void FillInvocationParameters(ManagementBaseObject invokeParameters, IDictionary<string, object> parameters)
    foreach (var pair in parameters)
        string stringParamValue;

        var managementObjectParam = pair.Value as ManagementObject;
        var arrayParam = pair.Value as string[];

        if (managementObjectParam != null)
            stringParamValue = managementObjectParam.GetText(TextFormat.CimDtd20);
            invokeParameters[pair.Key] = stringParamValue;
        else if (arrayParam != null)
            invokeParameters[pair.Key] = arrayParam;
        else if (pair.Value != null)
            stringParamValue = pair.Value.ToString();
            invokeParameters[pair.Key] = stringParamValue;


  • I finally solved the problem using VDS: I created volume using IVdsPack::CreateVolume(), received it's partition, formatted it to Fat32 using IVdsAdvancedDisk::FormatPartition() and changed PartitionType using IVdsAdvancedDisk2::ChangePartitionType()