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How do I create an arbitrary link in YARD documentation?

I'm trying to create some links in my YARD documentation. I can get an HTTP link:

# I like { Stackoverflow}

renders as

<p>I like <a href="">Stackoverflow</a></p>

But an email link:

# You can email the {mailto:[email protected] bugs} list

gives me a warning:

[warn]: In file `':: Cannot resolve link to mailto:bugs@myprojectmailto:[email protected] from text:

and renders as

<p>You can email the <tt>bugs</tt> list</p>

I've tried the regular RDoc syntax for links:

bugs[mailto:[email protected]]

but YARD seems to ignore that. Does anyone know of a more reliable syntax?


  • Digging into YARD's code shows the problem: in gems/yard- there is the line (73):

    if name.include?("://")

    which doesn't allow mailto links. You can replace this line with

    if name.include?("://") or name.include?("mailto:")

    and it will work as you want... not exactly ideal, but that's all I've got right now.