I am trying to take user input: (1 345 44 23) and make it into a tokenized char string then into ints. Surprisingly I could not find much help for what I would think would be a common task.
Any ideas how to convert the char string into an in string using tokens?
My program crashes when it gets to the conversion (after the tokenization [I realize this is not a word]).
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#define StrSZE 81
void strInput (char str[], int maxChars);
void custatoi(char * tokenArray[], int * data, int numOfTok);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char str[StrSZE];
char* tokenArray;
int maxChars=StrSZE-1, cont=1, numOfToken=0, i=0;
int* data;
strInput(str, maxChars);
tokenArray = strtok(str, " \t");
while (tokenArray)
printf("token: %s\n", tokenArray);
tokenArray = strtok(NULL, " \t");
data = (int *) malloc(numOfToken * sizeof(int));
custatoi(tokenArray, data, numOfToken);
return 0;
void strInput (char str[], int maxChars)
char garbage;
int k=0;
printf("Please type a string of whole numbers (intigers).\n\n");
while ((k<80) && ((str[k] = getchar()) != '\n'))
/* Clears the keyboard buffer. */
if (k==80)
while((garbage = getchar()) != '\n')
/* Place null at the end of the line read in from user */
printf("str after input is: %s\n\n", str);
void custatoi(char * tokenArray[], int * data, int numOfTok)
int i;
for (i=0; i < numOfTok; i++)
data[i] = atoi(tokenArray[i]);
I corrected the errors in yours code: There was some mistakes in main(), tokenArray data type was not correct.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <string.h>
#define StrSZE 81
void strInput (char str[], int maxChars);
void custatoi(char* tokenArray[], int * data, int numOfTok);
int main(int argc, char *argv[])
char str[StrSZE];
int maxChars=StrSZE-1, cont=1, numOfToken=0, i=0;
int* data;
char* tokenArray[50]; // Declared correctly
strInput(str, maxChars);
tokenArray[i] = strtok(str, " \t"); // Also made a change here!
while (tokenArray[i])
printf("token: %s\n", tokenArray[i]);
tokenArray[i] = strtok(NULL, " \t");
data = (int *) malloc(numOfToken * sizeof(int));
custatoi(tokenArray, data, numOfToken);
printf(" %d\n",data[i]);
return 0;
void strInput (char str[], int maxChars)
char garbage;
int k=0;
printf("Please type a string of whole numbers (intigers).\n\n");
while ((k<80) && ((str[k] = getchar()) != '\n'))
/* Clears the keyboard buffer. */
if (k==80)
while((garbage = getchar()) != '\n')
/* Place null at the end of the line read in from user */
printf("str after input is: %s\n\n", str);
void custatoi(char* tokenArray[], int * data, int numOfTok)
int i;
for (i=0; i < numOfTok; i++)
data[i] = atoi(tokenArray[i]);