Let's say that the user input = 6000 and the number inside input.txt is = 5000. The sum up will be 11000. The number that will be displayed on the screen and the value stored in the file will be overwritten to 11000. Please help me, Thanks
import System.IO
menu :: IO ()
menu = do
handle <- openFile "input.txt" ReadMode
contents <- hGetContents handle
putStr contents
hClose handle
contents <- readFile "input.txt"
print . sum . read $ contents
putStr("\nThe amount of money that you want to deposit : ")
Lots of problems with your code.
It is better to see types of functions you are using and then compose them.
A probable correction of your code from what I can infer you want would be
import System.IO
main :: IO ()
main = do
content <- readFile "input.txt"
let out = sum $ map read $ y:(words content)
putStrLn $ "\nThe amount of money that you want to deposit : " ++ show out
writeFile "input.txt" $ show out
It is better to use withFile
as you want to read and then write. readFile
reads the file lazily so there is no guarantee when the file handle will be closed. In the above case if you write the writeFile
line before printing the output it might give a runtime error complaining about open handles. So withFile
is a safer option and you will be opening file only once as compared to twice in the above case.
I have considered that you just want to add the number in the first line of the input file with the number you input.
import System.IO
main = do
input <- getLine
out <- sumFile (read input) "input.txt"
putStr $ "\nThe amount of money that you want to deposit : " ++ show out
sumFile :: Int -> FilePath -> IO Int
sumFile input fp = withFile fp ReadWriteMode add
add handle = do
number <- hGetLine handle
hSeek handle AbsoluteSeek 0
let sum = input + read number
hPutStrLn handle (show sum)
return sum