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How to write contents of an array to a text file? C#

I'm trying to write the contents of an array to a text file. I've created the file, assigned text boxes to the array (not sure if correctly). Now I want to write the contents of the array to a text file. The streamwriter part is where I'm stuck at the bottom. Not sure of the syntax.

if ((!File.Exists("scores.txt"))) //Checking if scores.txt exists or not
    FileStream fs = File.Create("scores.txt"); //Creates Scores.txt
    fs.Close(); //Closes file stream
List<double> scoreArray = new List<double>();
TextBox[] textBoxes = { week1Box, week2Box, week3Box, week4Box, week5Box, week6Box, week7Box, week8Box, week9Box, week10Box, week11Box, week12Box, week13Box };

for (int i = 0; i < textBoxes.Length; i++)
StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter("scores.txt", true);


  • You could just do this:

        textBoxes.Select(tb => (double.Parse(tb.Text)).ToString()));