I've a got huge PHP project with lots of classes, interfaces, abstraction layers... I need to see UML classes diagram. I'm wondering if PhpStorm can generate the one?
What I've found is that it is possible to view "diagram" for a single class: right click in File Explorer->Diargams->Show Diargram. Then I can add classes manually one by one.
But it is not exactly what I want. It will take eternity to add all classes. I don't need interactive diagram. I just need to see whole picture of my project.
Also, I've tried to use PHP_UML from PEAR. I've generated xmi-file using it. But several tools say that it is not valid(Sparx Enterprise Architect, ArgoUML and Visual Paradigm). And seems like PhpStorm can't open xmi-file(it opened as plain text file).
So, my questions are:
Is it possible to build UML diagram of whole project in PhpStorm?
Is it possible to make PhpStorm open xmi-file "properly"?
Is there any other tool which would show me ULM based on xmi.
Looks like very trivial problem by I can't find the solution.
Thanks in advance.
Project View
tool window.