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what is the use of https?

I am a beginner in HTTPS technology :(. I have some doubt regarding the HTTPS implementation.

suppose I have a registration form

if I want to use this in HTTPS this will become

What does this means? How to implement a HTTPS from scratch? how do i get certificate??

Thanks in advance!!


  • HTTPS stands for HTTP Secure. It is implemented via serving HTTP over a secure connection. Take a look at HTTP Secure on Wikipedia for a much more in depth explanation.

    Setting up HTTPS isn't a matter of merely changing the URL. You'll have to add a SSL certificate to your website to do that. These certificates can be obtained from Certificate Authorities (List of CAs) or you can use a self signed certificate.

    Speaking to your doubts of the HTTPS implementation. It is a well established protocol which has gone through its paces by security experts with Ph.D's on the subject. So you can trust the implementation of HTTPS.

    Flat Mountain has a good article for Setting up SSL Certificates on Apache*

    *assuming you're running your php through apache server