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JavaScript Stack Execution Issue

What is wrong with my function? Why does it print many times instead of one?


    //click a button dozen times it invokes submit and write message in console.log
    $('button').live('click', function(){ 
       $this = $(this);
       submit($this); //this function maybe push in stack a lot of times 


function submit($this){
   img = $this.nextAll(".submit");

   // and when I click on image it must write one time but it writes a lot of times                                   
   img.on('click', function(){                      
      console.log($this.text() + " ----> click"); // 


  • You should not use live, it's deprecated, you can write it in this way

        $(document).on('click', 'button', function(){ 
           img = $(this).nextAll(".submit");
 'click').on('click', function(){                      
               console.log($(this).text() + " ----> click"); // 

    An example using span.

    Using off unregister the previously added click events so it'll fire only once.


    Following can replace the live. You can use the parent wrapper instead of document, read more.

    $(document).on('click', 'button', function(){ ... });