* Coded Edited with Fix * I found an open source project that has a few bugs (I have fixed a couple so far) but this one has me stumped. The issue that I am trying to solve... If I have 3 sets of pairs (isThreePair) and it is also a 4 of a Kind (example: 4ea - 3's and 2ea 4's) it always chooses the 4 of a kind (isFourOfAKind), I should be able to pick either. Can someone please tell me what is wrong with the code.
import android.content.Context;
import android.content.SharedPreferences;
import android.preference.PreferenceManager;
final class Scorer {
private Scorer() {
public final static int calculate(int[] array, boolean ignoreExtraDice,
Context c) {
int length = array.length;
if (length == 0)
return 0;
int[] newArray = count(array);
if (length == 6) {
int straightStatus = isStraight(newArray, c, false);
if (straightStatus > 0) {
return straightStatus;
int threePairStatus = isThreePair(newArray, c, false);
if (threePairStatus > 0)
return threePairStatus;
int sixOfAKindStatus = isSixOfAKind(newArray, c);
if (sixOfAKindStatus > 0)
return sixOfAKindStatus;
int doubleTripletStatus = isDoubleTriplet(newArray, c);
if (doubleTripletStatus > 0)
return doubleTripletStatus;
int fiveOfAKindStatus = 0;
if (length == 5)
fiveOfAKindStatus = isFiveOfAKind(newArray, c, length)[0];
if (fiveOfAKindStatus > 0)
return fiveOfAKindStatus;
int fourOfAKindStatus = 0;
if (length == 4)
fourOfAKindStatus = isFourOfAKind(newArray, c, length)[0];
if (fourOfAKindStatus > 0)
return fourOfAKindStatus;
int threeOfAKindStatus = 0;
if (length == 3)
threeOfAKindStatus = isThreeOfAKind(newArray, c, length)[0];
if (threeOfAKindStatus > 0)
return threeOfAKindStatus;
int combinationScore = scoreCombinations(newArray, c, length);
if (combinationScore >= 0 && !ignoreExtraDice)
return 0;
return Math.abs(combinationScore);
private final static int[] count(int[] array) {
int numOf1 = 0;
int numOf2 = 0;
int numOf3 = 0;
int numOf4 = 0;
int numOf5 = 0;
int numOf6 = 0;
for (int j = 0; j < array.length; j++) {
switch (array[j]) {
case (1):
case (2):
case (3):
case (4):
case (5):
case (6):
int[] newArray = { numOf1, numOf2, numOf3, numOf4, numOf5, numOf6 };
return newArray;
public final static int isStraight(int[] array, Context c, boolean calledPublicly) {
if (array.length < 6)
return 0;
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
boolean toScoreStraight = prefs.getBoolean("toScoreStraightPref", true);
if (!toScoreStraight)
return 0;
int straightScore = 0;
if (toScoreStraight)
straightScore = Integer.valueOf(prefs.getString("straightPref",
if (calledPublicly)
array = count(array);
boolean isStraight = (array[0] == 1 && array[1] == 1 && array[2] == 1
&& array[3] == 1 && array[4] == 1 && array[5] == 1);
if (isStraight)
return straightScore;
return 0;
public final static int isThreePair(int[] array, Context c, boolean calledPublicly) {
if (array.length < 6)
return 0;
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
int threePairScore = Integer.valueOf(prefs.getString("threePairPref",
if (calledPublicly)
array = count(array);
int count = 0;
if (array[0] >= 2)
count += array[0] / 2;
if (array[1] >= 2)
count += array[1] / 2;
if (array[2] >= 2)
count += array[2] / 2;
if (array[3] >= 2)
count += array[3] / 2;
if (array[4] >= 2)
count += array[4] / 2;
if (array[5] >= 2)
count += array[5] / 2;
if (count == 3)
return threePairScore;
return 0;
private final static int isSixOfAKind(int[] array, Context c) {
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
String sixKindPref = prefs.getString("sixOfAKindPref",
"4x the 3 Of A Kind Value");
int sixOfAKindMult = (sixKindPref.contains("3000")) ? 3000 : Integer
.valueOf("" + sixKindPref.charAt(0));
int score = 0;
if (array[0] == 6)
score = 10000;
if (array[1] == 6)
score = 200 * sixOfAKindMult;
if (array[2] == 6)
score = 300 * sixOfAKindMult;
if (array[3] == 6)
score = 400 * sixOfAKindMult;
if (array[4] == 6)
score = 500 * sixOfAKindMult;
if (array[5] == 6)
score = 600 * sixOfAKindMult;
if (sixOfAKindMult > 100)
return sixOfAKindMult;
if (score != 0)
return score;
return 0;
private final static int isDoubleTriplet(int[] array, Context c) {
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
boolean toVariateTwoTripsScore = prefs.getBoolean(
"toScoreTwoTripsPref", false);
if (!toVariateTwoTripsScore)
return 0;
int twoTripsScore = 0;
if (toVariateTwoTripsScore)
twoTripsScore = Integer.valueOf(prefs.getString(
"twoTripletScorePref", "2500"));
int count = 0;
if (array[0] == 3)
if (array[1] == 3)
if (array[2] == 3)
if (array[3] == 3)
if (array[4] == 3)
if (array[5] == 3)
if (count == 2)
return twoTripsScore;
return 0;
private final static int scoreCombinations(int[] array, Context c, int length) {
int score = 0;
int[] fiveArray = isFiveOfAKind(array, c, length);
int[] fourArray = isFourOfAKind(array, c, length);
int[] threeArray = isThreeOfAKind(array, c, length);
int[] temp = null;
if (fiveArray[0] != 0)
temp = fiveArray;
else if (fourArray[0] != 0)
temp = fourArray;
else if (threeArray[0] != 0)
temp = threeArray;
if (temp != null) {
for (int i = 1; i <= 6; i++) {
if (temp[i] == 0)
array[i - 1] = 0;
score += fiveArray[0];
score += fourArray[0];
score += threeArray[0];
int scoreOfRemainders = scoreRemainders(array);
if (scoreOfRemainders > 0)
score *= -1;
score += scoreOfRemainders;
return score;
private final static int[] isFiveOfAKind(int[] array, Context c, int length) {
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
String fiveKindPref = prefs.getString("fiveOfAKindPref",
"3x the 3 Of A Kind Value");
int fiveOfAKindMult = (fiveKindPref.contains("2000")) ? 2000 : Integer
.valueOf("" + fiveKindPref.charAt(0));
int score = 0;
if (array[0] == 5) {
score = 1000 * fiveOfAKindMult;
array[0] = 0;
if (array[1] == 5) {
score = 200 * fiveOfAKindMult;
array[1] = 0;
if (array[2] == 5) {
score = 300 * fiveOfAKindMult;
array[2] = 0;
if (array[3] == 5) {
score = 400 * fiveOfAKindMult;
array[3] = 0;
if (array[4] == 5) {
score = 500 * fiveOfAKindMult;
array[4] = 0;
if (array[5] == 5) {
score = 600 * fiveOfAKindMult;
array[5] = 0;
if (score != 0) {
if (fiveOfAKindMult > 100)
score = fiveOfAKindMult;
else if (length > 5)
score *= -1;
int[] returnArray = { score, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3],
array[4], array[5] };
return returnArray;
private final static int[] isFourOfAKind(int[] array, Context c, int length) {
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
String fourKindPref = prefs.getString("fourOfAKindPref",
"2x the 3 Of A Kind Value");
int fourOfAKindMult = (fourKindPref.contains("1000")) ? 1000 : Integer
.valueOf("" + fourKindPref.charAt(0));
int score = 0;
if (array[0] == 4) {
score = 1000 * fourOfAKindMult;
array[0] = 0;
if (array[1] == 4) {
score = 200 * fourOfAKindMult;
array[1] = 0;
if (array[2] == 4) {
score = 300 * fourOfAKindMult;
array[2] = 0;
if (array[3] == 4) {
score = 400 * fourOfAKindMult;
array[3] = 0;
if (array[4] == 4) {
score = 500 * fourOfAKindMult;
array[4] = 0;
if (array[5] == 4) {
score = 600 * fourOfAKindMult;
array[5] = 0;
if (score != 0) {
if (fourOfAKindMult > 100)
score = fourOfAKindMult;
else if (length > 4)
score *= -1;
int[] returnArray = { score, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3],
array[4], array[5] };
return returnArray;
private final static int[] isThreeOfAKind(int[] array, Context c, int length) {
int score = 0;
if (array[0] == 3) {
score += 1000;
array[0] = 0;
if (array[1] == 3) {
score += 200;
array[1] = 0;
if (array[2] == 3) {
score += 300;
array[2] = 0;
if (array[3] == 3) {
score += 400;
array[3] = 0;
if (array[4] == 3) {
score += 500;
array[4] = 0;
if (array[5] == 3) {
score += 600;
array[5] = 0;
if (score != 0 && length > 3) {
score *= -1;
int[] returnArray = { score, array[0], array[1], array[2], array[3],
array[4], array[5] };
return returnArray;
private final static int scoreRemainders(int[] array) {
boolean thereAreExtra = (array[1] != 0 || array[2] != 0
|| array[3] != 0 || array[5] != 0);
int score = 0;
if (thereAreExtra) {
score += array[0] * 100;
score += array[4] * 50;
} else {
score += array[0] * -100;
score += array[4] * -50;
return score;
My Issue was answered on the Code Review. The Above Code reflects the Working Code. But here is the Section that needed to be modified.
public final static int isThreePair(int[] array, Context c, boolean calledPublicly) {
if (array.length < 6)
return 0;
SharedPreferences prefs = PreferenceManager
int threePairScore = Integer.valueOf(prefs.getString("threePairPref",
if (calledPublicly)
array = count(array);
int count = 0;
if (array[0] >= 2)
count += array[0] / 2;
if (array[1] >= 2)
count += array[1] / 2;
if (array[2] >= 2)
count += array[2] / 2;
if (array[3] >= 2)
count += array[3] / 2;
if (array[4] >= 2)
count += array[4] / 2;
if (array[5] >= 2)
count += array[5] / 2;
if (count == 3)
return threePairScore;
return 0;
Walk through the code and think what would happen if it was four of a kind.
int fourOfAKindStatus = 0;
if (length == 4)
fourOfAKindStatus = isFourOfAKind(newArray, c, length)[0];
if (fourOfAKindStatus > 0)
return fourOfAKindStatus;
int threeOfAKindStatus = 0;
if (length == 3)
threeOfAKindStatus = isThreeOfAKind(newArray, c, length)[0];
if (threeOfAKindStatus > 0)
return threeOfAKindStatus;
If the result is four of a kind, you are returning from the method before checking for 3 of a kind. Therefore, the three of a kind check never gets performed.
You could have calculate() return a HashMap instead of an int, and instead of immediately returning the status when you find a match, you could add an entry to the map and keep checking, returning it at the end.