I have set a JvTreeView.CheckBoxes
to True
, and the check boxes are displayed and working as expected, but on Windows XP SP3 and below, the OnNodeCheckedChange
event is not fired. I googled a little, and found this issue on JVCL issue tracker, but I can not apply it to the latest JVCL release (Version 3.47). Has anyone any fix for the check box event?
Update: The event is fired when I change the check box using space bar, but is not fired when I click on the check box.
From a discussion
we've had I know you've used RTL reading for your JvTreeView
and I've added that you should include also the TVS_RTLREADING
style to the control styles. So, here is how to do it in a late control styling (which you have used):
procedure TForm1.FormShow(Sender: TObject);
SetWindowLong(JvTreeView1.Handle, GWL_STYLE, GetWindowLong(
JvTreeView1.Handle, GWL_STYLE) or TVS_RTLREADING);
SetWindowLong(JvTreeView1.Handle, GWL_EXSTYLE, GetWindowLong(
The problem with the control notification is in coordinates mapping (see this answer
why it happens). As a fix to the JvComCtrls.pas
source you can replace the ScreenToClient
point mapping on line 3094 with the following:
MapWindowPoints(0, Handle, Point, 1);
in the JvComCtrls.pas
unit in the CNNotify
method it will look like:
3071 procedure TJvTreeView.CNNotify(var Msg: TWMNotify);
.... ...
3091 inherited;
3092 if Windows.GetCursorPos(Point) then
3093 begin
3094 MapWindowPoints(0, Handle, Point, 1);
3095 case Msg.NMHdr.code of
.... ...