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Should I start from scratch to learn iOS on iOS 6? What about the old 'Good' learning material?

I want to learn to program on iOS and what I've found out is that the best books recommended in Amazon and other discussion websites belong to older iOS versions. My questions are:

  • Are there such dramatic changes in iOS 6 (as like what happened in Java SE 5 in comparison with older versions) while comparing it with older versions that change the way we program as much considerable as it worth learning iOS development from scratch with iOS learning materials instead of focusing on old (good) learning resources?
  • What tutorial book(s) do you recommend as starting point for iOS programming?

I saw this link:

But as it seems, it has been asked 2 years ago and has not been updated since a couple of months ago and clearly does not even cover iOS 5 learning resources.


  • There is a bigger jump from iOS4 to 5 than from 5 to 6 for most kinds of programming (for example ARC). The biggest thing I've hit is that [UIViewController viewDidUnload:] is now deprecated and you should put clean up code in dealloc. But generally everything still works the same way for 95% of your code.

    My iOS 5 code was recompiled to iOS 6 and it worked fine.