I have an stored procedure from my DB and I transform it into a WebGrid in my Web application. The problem is that, since the columns I got from the stored procedure are dynamic (it means I don't how many columns are and each one's name) I don't specify the columns variable in grid.GetHtml() function, I have something like this:
@grid.GetHtml(fillEmptyRows: false,
tableStyle: "table table-hover",
mode: WebGridPagerModes.All,
firstText: "<< First",
previousText: "< Back",
nextText: "Next >",
lastText: "Last >>"
And that's it!
So, the question is, How can I give style to just one column?, for example I know that at least one column is "Name" and I want it to have "width:100px" Because if I just specify one column it will show just that column! Please I hope you guys can help me. Thanks in advance.
You can do this using Javascript -- I'm not sure if there's a way to do it using strictly the WebGrid / CSS.
First, make the WebGrid table render with a client ID so that you can target it:
// code here
htmlAttributes: new { id = "mygrid" }
Now add the styles using JQuery with the :contains
// select the column named "Name" and update its width
var idx = $("#mygrid th:contains('Name')").attr("width", 100);