Is there a faster way in PostgreSQL to essentially do an if on several rows?
Say I have a table
ticket | row | archived
1 | 1 | true
1 | 2 | true
1 | 3 | true
2 | 1 | false
2 | 2 | true
Is there any way I could do an if statement across down the column where ticket = ? So that where ticket = 1 would be true because
true && true && true = true
and where ticket = 2 would be false because
false && true = false
Or should I just stick with
SELECT ( (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE ticket = 1)
= (SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE ticket = 1 AND archived = true) )
Simple, short, clear:
SELECT bool_and(archived)
FROM tbl
WHERE ticket = 1;
true if all input values are true, otherwise false
Assuming archived
is defined NOT NULL
. Faster, but you have to additionally check whether any rows with ticket = 1
exist at all, or you'll get incorrect results for non-existing tickets:
EXISTS (SELECT FROM tbl WHERE ticket=1 AND NOT archived);
Both forms can use an index like:
CREATE INDEX tbl_ticket_idx ON tbl (ticket);
.. which makes both fast, but the EXISTS
query faster, because this form can stop to scan as soon as the first matching row is found. Hardly matters for only few rows per ticket, but matters for many.
To make use of index-only scans you need a multi-column index of the form:
CREATE INDEX tbl_ticket_archived_idx ON tbl (ticket, archived);
This one is better in most cases and any version of PostgreSQL. Due to data alignment, adding a boolean
to the integer
in the index will not make the index grow at all. Added benefit for hardly any cost.
Update: this changes in Postgres 13 with index deduplication. See:
However, indexed columns prevent HOT (Heap Only Tuple) updates. Say, an UPDATE
changes only the column archived
. If the column isn't used by any index (in any way), the row can be HOT updated. Else, this shortcut cannot be taken. More on HOT updates:
It all depends on your actual workload.