I want to use jSMPP for implementing a Receiver Listener for SMSC. So I want to implement the MessageRecieverListener
and the method onAcceptDeliverSm
, but according to the SMPP specs the application should send deliver_sm_resp
as a response to deliver_sm
How will this be accomplished through jSMPP, is this something that is performed behind the scenes by the jSMPP library?
I'm using jSMPP in the production. The best thing of this lib is that many low level things happen behind the scenes and deliver_sm_resp
too :-)
The enquery_link
and enquery_link_resp
commands happen behind the scenes too and you can also configure the timeout for this commands when you create your SMPPSession
like this:
SMPPSession tmpSession = new SMPPSession();
tmpSession.addSessionStateListener(new SessionStateListenerImpl());
MessageReceiverListenerImpl mrl = new MessageReceiverListenerImpl();
tmpSession.connectAndBind(remoteIpAddress, remotePort, bindParam);
The values of transactionTimer
and enquireLinkTimer
I store in the properties file.
jSMPP is very cool lib and I like it :-)