I'd like to have a UI:Binder generated page where I can switch part of the UI at runtime. Here's an example:
//...More UI Binder stuff
<g:Widget ui:field="generalWidget" />
//...More UI Binder stuff
Now in my view implementation, I want to change the exact widget type that generalWidget shows. For example, I'd like to be able to do something like this:
@UiBinder Widget generalWidget;
if (<condition>)
generalWidget = new TabLayoutPanel(...);
generalWidget = new FlowPanel(...);
However this doesn't work for me. When I hit the page, I get:
java.lang.AssertionError: This UIObject's element is not set; you may be missing a call to either Composite.initWidget() or UIObject.setElement()
in the Dev log. As far as I can tell, this is due to me using g:widget, because if I use the panels directly it works.
What's the best way to resolve this issue and get the switching widget behaviour I want?
You're missing the provided = true
on the @UiField
@UiField(provided = true) Widget generalWidget;
And of course make sure you assign that field before calling createAndBindUi