I have a Probclem with functions keys in curses.h. I have this littel programm seen on different websites/tutorials
#include <ncurses.h>
int main()
{ int ch;
initscr(); /* Start curses mode */
raw(); /* Line buffering disabled */
keypad(stdscr, TRUE); /* We get F1, F2 etc.. */
noecho(); /* Don't echo() while we do getch */
printw("Type any character to see it in bold\n");
ch = getch();
while (ch != KEY_F(1))
if(ch == KEY_F(1))
printw("F1 Key pressed: Ending program.\n");
{ printw("The pressed key is ");
printw("%c\n", ch);
ch = getch();
endwin(); /* End curses mode */
return 0;
The keys F6-F12 works fine and the code which is returned is also fine (for example: 270 if F6 ist pressed). But if I press F5 not 269 is returned, like it would be supposed to be, instead the following is happening (only by pressing F5 once):
Type any character to see it in bold
The pressed key is ^[
The pressed key is [
The pressed key is 1
The pressed key is 5
The pressed key is ~
So I think the whole Escape Sequence ist returned. I read on the internet about this problem and two times there was a hint which describes to change the TERM variable to xterm or vt100. So I tried to change TERM to vt 220 and also xterm, but nothing change. When i changed it to vt100 also F6-F12 didn't work.
Can anybody help me how I can recognize if the user presses F1-F5? Keys like enter, Backspace, up, down, etc. are recognized fine.
best regards
Sounds like a disagreement between what terminfo
says your terminal sends and what it actually does. May be the result of an incorrect terminfo
file on the target machine, or the wrong $TERM
setting, or any number of things.
I'd start by comparing what
$ infocmp -L
says on the target machine, as compared what the terminal actually sends when running, say, cat
If you are running xterm, maybe you have a ~/.Xresources
file translating your function keys. VMS users often would remap F1 - F5 keys that way. Also many terminal emulators (like Putty) have options to remap these keys.