For a Windows 8 App, in C#/Xaml, I am using the charm bar to share some content.
My problem is that I don't see my carriage returns in the text I want to share in the sharing application.
For example I want to share :
Read this article about blablabla
And on the email application in the charm bar it is displayed :
Hello,Read this article about blablabla GoodBye
I tried to put some \n or %0d%0a or Environment.NewLine, but without any success...
How can I solve this problem ?
Thank you
If you're sending an email, you could use HTML
string message = "<p>Hello,</p><p>Read this article about blablabla</p>
string htmlMessage = HtmlFormatHelper.CreateHtmlFormat(message);
Of course, being HTML
, you can use more advanced formatting and also include images. There's a full example of using the HTML format on MSDN.