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Custom Client Template Telerik Grid

I'm kind of new using Telerik Grid, basically what I'm trying to accomplish here is the following scenario, I have a form that have some fields and via ajax calls another action on my controller to generate the model to a partial view that have the following grid, my problem is that I need to create some actions depending on some business logic, I know I can do that using a column template, the thing is that since im using ajax binding it "loose" my template, looking around on internet I found that you can do that using a js function go generate the links, my question is isn't that kind of messy? im duplicating the same business logic on the server and on the client, there's must be a better way to accomplish this?

      .DataBinding(binding => binding.Ajax().OperationMode(GridOperationMode.Client))
      .Columns(column =>
          column.Bound(c => c.Id).Title("Id").Width(30);
          column.Bound(c => c.Status);
          column.Bound(c => c.DateReg);
                   <div class="ActionsProvGrid">
                       <a href="@Url.Action("SomeAction", "Controller", new {id =})">
                           <img src="../../Content/icons/ViewMore.png" alt="ViewMore" />
                       @if (@item.Status.Equals("ACT"))
                           <a href="@Url.Action("SomeOtherAction", "Controller", new {idOportunidad =})">
                               <img src="../../Content/icons/invoice.png" alt="invoice"/>

              ).ClientTemplate("<#= GenearteIcons(data)  #>");


  • As a solution you can define property on your model that encapsulates the result of your business logic:

    public bool DoesStatusEqualToAct {
        return (code that determines if it's true);

    And in JavaScript function that generates a link html you can access this property:

    function GenerateIcons(data){
        var html = '';
           html = 'version 1';
           html = 'version 2';
       return html;