I found this fine line of code:
serial_port_base::flow_control FLOW( serial_port_base::flow_control::none );
Now, I need flow_control to be set to hardware flow control - how can I do this?
There is no documentation on that so far, and I am already quite sad, that I had to use windows headers to solve my problem with sending a break signal.
Please tell me there is at least a way to setup all serial-port options without using windows headers.
If there is no way without windows headers, I'll take the dirty road here too, so please post dirty examples too.
If you check out the header file itself in the boost documentation, you'll find the class flow_control
class flow_control
enum type { none, software, hardware };
BOOST_ASIO_DECL explicit flow_control(type t = none);
type value() const;
BOOST_ASIO_DECL boost::system::error_code store(
boost::system::error_code& ec) const;
BOOST_ASIO_DECL boost::system::error_code load(
boost::system::error_code& ec);
type value_;
You should be able to use serial_port_base::flow_control::hardware
in that function call you have to enable hardware flow control.