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fastboot getvar from batch file

I was trying to get certain fastboot variables from a batch file. I was using something like :

for /f "tokens=2 delims=:" %%a in ('fastboot.exe getvar version-bootloader') do @echo version is %%a

But I get the output on command line, not in the variable %%a. the command 'fastboot.exe getvar version-bootloader' works perfectly in command-line. I also tried doing:

fastboot.exe getvar version-bootloader >> temp.txt

but temp.txt is always empty and i receive the output on the command line, instead of the file. Is there an alternative to this?


  • fastboot output is directed to error stream, you can direct error stream to standard stream by adding 2>&1

    1. your script will get two lines since fastboot getvar returns additional line with time elapsed.
    2. your script parses the version with a leading space, you shoud add a space to the delimiter (it is default but when you give delims it is overwritten)

    you should use:

    for /f "tokens=2 delims=: " %%a in ('fastboot.exe getvar version-bootloader 2^>^&1 ^| findstr version') do @echo version is %%a