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Ban IPs from text file using htaccess

I read and understand how to block an ip using htaccess:

order deny,allow
deny from
deny from
allow from all

But my list of black IPs includes thousands of IPs. I save all IPs to a blacklist.txt file.

Can I use htaccess to call blacklist.txt and block all IPs which are stored in this file? If so, how?


  • You can try using variations of RewriteMap. You'll need access to the server/vhost config because that directive only works there. You can then use the map inside htaccess files.

    Say your blacklist.txt file looks like this:  deny    deny    allow

    You can define the map like so:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteMap access txt:/path/to/blacklist.txt

    Then in your htaccess, you can invoke the map:

    RewriteEngine On 
    RewriteCond ${access:%{REMOTE_ADDR}} deny [NC]
    RewriteRule ^ - [L,F]

    The condition invokes the map and checks if the remote address maps to the word "deny", and if so, the rewrite rule outright forbids access.

    If your blacklist.txt is only a list of IPs, and you don't want to add a "deny" after each one, you'll need to invoke a program map type and write a script, something like this:

    while true
        read INPUT
        MATCH=`grep $INPUT /path/to/blacklist.txt`
        if [ -z "$MATCH"  ]; then
            echo "allow"
            echo "deny"

    which infinite loops read input and greps the blacklist.txt file. If the IP is in the file, output a "deny", otherwise it outputs a "allow". Then you'd create the map like so:

    RewriteEngine On
    RewriteMap access prg:/path/to/blacklist.txt

    And the rewrite rule to check against the map would be no different.