I am using weblogic 10.3.6 with JRockit installed . I am using a 64 bit system with Linux as OS. I have an adf application installed in it . There are only a couple of users using the application . But the server machine where WLS is installed keeps going down every week causing out of memory . so we have to restart it every week. When i was looking through I found that WebLogic can be made more stable by adjusting the heap size and other memory arguments .
Example: --Xms256m --Xmx512m MaxPermsize as 128m
My question is
What are these arguments ?
How are these arguments related to one another?
How do I determine the value for these arguments?
What can be other causes for out of memory issue?
Get basic knowledge of the JVM parameters.
Simply setting a couple of JVM memory parameters to higher values won't help but only move the error into the future. You have to analyze the application to find out the real problem. JRockit comes with a very good memory analyzing tool Mission Control. Watch the demo, which will help to find out which part of your application causes the Out Of Memory error.