the next code snipped is where I have problems, the first 3 tags works well, but the 2 last doesnt work in Chrome and Firefox, in IExplorer works very well. Do you have any idea about it wrong or how resolve?
<div id="caratula" align="center">
<img src="images/forma_acceso_sin_nav.png" border="0" usemap="#Map"/>
<map name="Map" id="Map">
<area shape="rect" coords="348,332,439,417" href="" target="_blank"/>
<area shape="rect" coords="470,363,508,398" href="" target="_blank" />
<area shape="rect" coords="549,369,633,395" href="" target="_blank"/>
<area shape="rect" coords="740,522,852,601" href="index.html" target="_self" alt="Pagina Principal" />
<area shape="rect" coords="9,614,94,648" href="index.html" alt="buscas chamba" target="_blank" style="border:medium;"/>
<area shape="rect" coords="110,616,142,647" href="index.html" alt="mailto" target="_blank" />
well , I have been searching information about it , and I found a table with the features browsers and compatibily with diferentes versions, I think that is the real problem, the reference is the next, maybe must be usefull for you .