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Disconnecting outlets/removing views when changing states in Ember router?

I have an application with an application template that has two outlets. When I enter the root.index state, I only want one outlet to be connected, and when I enter the root.chats state, I want both outlets to be connected. This works fine when I navigate from root.index to root.chats, but when I navigate back the navpane outlet is still present (as it should be). How do I go about disconnecting this outlet or removing the view that was hooked up in the first place? Is the disconnectOutlet method for the controller mixin deprecated? Should I be structuring this completely differently? I've included my code below. Thanks.

// State flag helper function. See

function stateFlag(name) {
  return Ember.computed(function() {
    var state = App.router.currentState;
    while(state) {
      if( === name) return true;
      state = state.get('parentState');
    return false;

// Application

App = Em.Application.create({

    ApplicationController: Ember.Controller.extend({
        isChats: stateFlag('chats')
    ApplicationView: Ember.View.extend({
        templateName: 'application'
    ChatlistController:  Em.Controller.extend({
        hideView: false
    ChatlistView:  Em.View.extend({
        templateName:  'chatlist',
        didInsertElement: function(){
            this.$("#nav_pane").css({'left':'-=275', 'z-index':'-5'}).animate({
                left: ["+=275", 'swing'],
            },500,function() {
        _hideViewChanged: function() {
            if (this.get('hideView')) {
        hide: function() {
            var that = this;
            this.$("#nav_pane").hide("slow", function() {
    ChatroomController:  Em.Controller.extend({

    ChatroomView:  Em.View.extend({
        templateName:  'chatroom'
    DashboardController:  Em.Controller.extend({

    DashboardView:  Em.View.extend({
        templateName:  'dashboard'
    Router: Ember.Router.extend({
        //location: 'history',
        enableLogging: true,
        goToDashboard:  Ember.Route.transitionTo('root.index'),
        goToChats:  Ember.Route.transitionTo('root.chats'),
        root:  Ember.Route.extend({
            index:  Ember.Route.extend({
                route:  '/',
                connectOutlets: function(router, context) {
                    router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('content', 'dashboard');
            chats:  Ember.Route.extend({
                route:  '/chats',
                connectOutlets: function(router, context) {
                    router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('navpane', 'chatlist');
                    router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('content', 'chatroom');
            files:  Ember.Route.extend({
                route:  '/files'



  • I believe you're looking for disconnectOutlet, which is not at all deprecated:

    A good place for it to live is on the route's exit event:

    chats:  Ember.Route.extend({
        route:  '/chats',
        connectOutlets: function(router, context) {
            router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('navpane', 'chatlist');
            router.get('applicationController').connectOutlet('content', 'chatroom');
        exit: function(router){