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httpcontext.current.handler.master returns null after sometime

I am facing a problem in ASP.NET. I have a dropdownlist in Master Page and I am accessing it in a library outside the UI project using the below code :

 Page page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;

 if (page != null)
     return page.Master.FindControl("MyDdl") as DropDownList;

This code works fine normally. But sometimes if I remain inactive for 15 to 20 minutes and then cause a postback (e.g. Click button, change menu etc..) Master property of the page becomes null. i.e. page.Master starts returning null. Then I press F5 to refresh the page and it starts working again. I also searched google but did not find any relative answer. Can anyone guide me what is going on here?


  • You are experiencing session timeout, your session has ended. There are two places where you can configure session.

    First inside your web application web.config like this:

         <sessionState timeout="30"></sessionState> 

    or second using IIS manager:

    Go to tab with main properties for your application, double click "Session state", at the bottom of the tab there is "Time-out (in minutes)". Also there are other options to change session state storage.

    There is also option to check session state using code. Please take a look at this article:

    Happy coding!