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Is WebSphere MQ the default JMS provider in WebSphere AS 8 / 8.5?

For tests of JMS in WebSphere I have downloaded the developer version of WebSphere AS 8.0.

Is WebSphere MQ (which is available as a separate product from IBM) already included in this version, or does WAS use a different JMS provider?

Update: I know that in the (Apache Geronimo based) IBM WASCE (the 'community edition'), Apache ActiveMQ is used as the default JMS provider.

Which product is used in WAS 8.0 / 8.5, a proprietary IBM product or an open source product like ActiveMQ as suggested in the answer below?


  • Websphere AS comes with its own JMS provider as required by Java EE 6.

    The provider isn't MQ. It could be a modified version of ActiveMQ or any other JMS compliant implementation.