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CCParticle Meteor cocos2d

I have gone through the CCParticle's but the only problem I currently have is understanding what the items like startSize, endSize, startSizeVar, startColor and etc mean. Is there a link of what they all do or can someone explain to me?


    • startSize - is the size of the particle, when it appears (it's a quad, so only one number needed)
    • endsize - is the size, when it will disappear - it will grow or shrink to this size through it's life period
    • startSizeVar - is the start size variance - when it's not zero, the particle will appear at size: startSize +/- random number between 0 and startSizeVar
    • endSizeVar - is the end size variance - when it's not zero, the particle will disappear at size: endSize +/- random number between 0 and endSizeVar
    • startColor - the color of the partile, when appears
    • endColor - the color of the particle when disappears (it's color will change during lifetime from startColor to endColor)

    All of these properties are quite good explained in CCParticleSystem.h (by comments)