I need to be able to move from my current mapview to a latitude/longitude span. I want this move to happen in an animated sort of way (similar to how animateTo
works). I need to go from my current view, and zoom in or out to end up at the target latitude/longitude span. Below is the code I'm using to do this when I use zoomLevels. But I have to use spans, not zoom levels to accomplish this.
Here's what I'm doing for animateTo
. I need the equivalent of this, but using Lat/Lng Span to end up at my final view (i need to be zoomed and centered, showing the lat/lng span provided). As you'll notice, i'm using targetZoomLevel
and currentZoomLevel
to determine how much zooming to do... I need to be using the lat/lng span instead.
public static void smoothZoom(final MapController controller,
final int currentZoomLevel, final int targetZoomLevel,
int latitude, int longitude) {
final Handler handler = new Handler();
controller.animateTo(new GeoPoint(latitude, longitude), new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int currentZoom = currentZoomLevel;
int zoomTarget = targetZoomLevel;
// Smooth zoom handler
// int zoomLevel = _mapView.getZoomLevel();
// int targetZoomLevel = targetLevel;
long delay = 0;
if (zoomTarget > currentZoom) {
while (currentZoom++ < zoomTarget) {
handler.postDelayed(new Runnable() {
public void run() {
}, delay);
delay += 150; // Change this to whatever is good on the
// device
I really need this code for my application now, there is no way around it. First person to help me get working code gets 250 rep.
Is this the kind of solution you're looking for?
public static void zoomSpan(final MapView mapView, int northernLat, int southernLat, int easternLon, int westernLon) {
final int latSpan = northernLat - southernLat;
final int lonSpan = easternLon - westernLon;
latCenter = southernLat + latSpan / 2;
lonCenter = westernLon + lonSpan / 2;
final MapController controller = mapView.getController();
final Handler handler = new Handler();
final Runnable zoomRunnable = new Runnable() {
public void run() {
int viewLatSpan = mapView.getLatitudeSpan();
int viewLonSpan = mapView.getLongitudeSpan();
boolean actionTaken = false;
if (mapView.getZoomLevel() > 1 && (latSpan > viewLatSpan || lonSpan > viewLonSpan)) {
actionTaken = true;
if (mapView.getZoomLevel() < mapView.getMaxZoomLevel() && latSpan * 2 <= viewLatSpan && lonSpan * 2 <= viewLonSpan) {
actionTaken = true;
if (actionTaken);
controller.animateTo(latCenter, lonCenter, zoomRunnable);