Search code examples

Joins not working in described condition

I have two tables.


AdmissionNum(PK)  |  StudName |   Fees |

       1               sagar      5000 
       2               nilesh     6000
       3               amar       4000  

Table2-> paymentDetails

AdmissionNum(FK) | RemainingFees |   Date       |  Payment
        1             4000          1/1/2012          1000
        2             5000          2/5/2012          1000
        1             3500          2/10/2012         1500
        1             2500          2/15/2012         1000
        2             2500          2/20/2012         2500
        3             0             3/25/2012         4000

I have tried different queries but was not able to make joint between payment table and paymentDetails table. I am making C# windows app. When particular student is paying fees his record is stored in paymentDetails table. I want to extract only outstanding fees details i.e. student whose Remaining Fees is greater than 0 but the last details in the paymentDetais table i.e. .

My expected resut table is-

AdmissionNum  |  StudName |   Fees | RemainingFees

       1           sagar      5000    2500
       2           nilesh     6000    2500


  • try this:

    with cte as (select P.AdmissionNum , P.StudName,   P.Fees , D.RemainingFees,row_number() 
    over ( partition by  P.AdmissionNum order by [DATE] desc) as rn
    from Payment P
    join PaymentDetails D
    on P.AdmissionNum=D.AdmissionNum
    where RemainingFees>0)
    select AdmissionNum ,StudName,  Fees , RemainingFees
    from cte
    where rn=1

    SQL fiddle demo