AFAIK TChan acts as a hub, every message sent is seen by others right ?!
i want a TChan that acts as a switch to send a message to specific thread, and also support broadcasting.
is there such thing ?
Edit: I re-read your question. This answer doesn't quite address "selective send", though it clarifies what a TChan
can do.
The "broadcast" approach described below will wake up all listeners (though on the bright side, it won't make 1000 copies of each item). To avoid this, use the Map
approach as @Mikhail suggested. I did this in my chat server example.
A TChan
is a FIFO queue:
adds an item to the end.
reads an item from the beginning.
For example, the following example forks 10 threads which fight over a single channel:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
main = do
chan <- newTChanIO
forM_ [1..10] $ \i ->
forkIO $
forever $ do
x <- atomically $ readTChan chan
putStrLn $ "Thread " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ show x
mapM_ (atomically . writeTChan chan) [1..1000]
-- Wait for channel to empty out
atomically $ do
empty <- isEmptyTChan chan
when (not empty) retry
Here, each item is read by exactly one thread.
In contrast, the following example "broadcasts" a stream of items to 10 threads, by making ten copies of the channel using dupTChan:
import Control.Concurrent
import Control.Concurrent.STM
import Control.Monad
main = do
master <- newTChanIO
forM_ [1..10] $ \i -> do
chan <- atomically $ dupTChan master
forkIO $
forever $ do
x <- atomically $ readTChan chan
putStrLn $ "Thread " ++ show i ++ ": " ++ show x
mapM_ (atomically . writeTChan master) [1..100]
-- Give threads time to complete
threadDelay 1000000
Now each thread gets all of the items written to the channel.
A couple subtleties to note:
Items written to a channel prior to dupTChan
will not appear in the new channel. If we called dupTChan
from the child threads rather than the main thread, some writeTChan
s could happen first, meaning the children might not see all the items.
Since nobody is reading the master
channel, items written to it will pile up and will likely not be garbage collected. To avoid this caveat, use newBroadcastTChan to create the master