I am doing my homework and I have to do a program that extends simple letters from a file, like E and F, to continuous productions, given also in the folder, such as E+T E-F etc. Anyway the code shown below gives me an argument out of range exception. I crafted the same code in java and all works fine. I don't know why in C# it gives me this exception. Please give me some advice!!
I forgot to put the file that I'm reading from:
public void generare(){
String N = null;
String T = null;
String S = null;
String[] P = null;
TextReader tr = new StreamReader("dateIntrare.txt");
N = tr.ReadLine();
T = tr.ReadLine();
S = tr.ReadLine();
P = new String[N.Length];
for (int i = 0; i < N.Length; i++)
P[i] = tr.ReadLine();
Console.WriteLine("Neterminale: N = " + N);
Console.WriteLine("Terminale: T = " + T);
Console.WriteLine("Productii ");
for (int i = 0; i < P.Length; i++)
Console.WriteLine("\t" + P[i]);
Console.WriteLine("Start: S = " + S);
Boolean gata = false;
String iesire = S.Substring(0, S.Length);
while ((gata == false) && (iesire.Length < 50))
Boolean ok = false;
for (int i = iesire.Length - 1; i >= 0 && ok == false; i--)
for (int j = 0; j < N.Length && ok == false; j++)
if (N[j] == iesire[i])
String s1 = iesire.Substring(0, i);
String s2 = iesire.Substring(i + 1, iesire.Length); // HERE IS THE EXCEPTION TAKING PLACE
String inlocuire = P[N.IndexOf(iesire[i])];
String[] optiuni = null;
String[] st = inlocuire.Split('|');
int k = 0;
foreach (String now in st)
optiuni = new String[k];
st = inlocuire.Split('|');
k = 0;
foreach (string next in st)
optiuni[k++] = next;
Random rand = new Random();
int randNr = rand.Next(optiuni.Length);
String inlocuireRandom = optiuni[randNr];
iesire = s1 + inlocuireRandom + s2;
ok = true;
if (ok == false)
gata = true;
if (iesire.Length < 50)
Console.Write(" => ");
catch (FileNotFoundException)
Console.WriteLine("Eroare, fisierul nu exista!");
But why in java works and here not? I'm confused
When in doubt, read the documentation. In Java, the 2-parameter overload of substring
takes a start index and an end index. In .NET, the second parameter is the number of characters to take, not an end index.
So you probably want
String s2 = iesire.Substring(i + 1, iesire.Length - i - 1);
Or to be simpler about it, just use the 1-parameter version, which takes all the characters from the specified index onwards:
String s2 = iesire.Substring(i + 1);
(I'd use that in Java too...)
Fundamentally though, it's worth taking a step back and working out why you couldn't work this out for yourself... even if you missed it before:
in this case)