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flex mobile validation: how to remove red error border?

I use validators in my flex mobile application. I want to remove the red border when validator has triggered an error.

    <mx:EmailValidator id="emailV"  source="{login_txt}" property="text"  triggerEvent="click" trigger="{connexion_btn}"  />
    <mx:StringValidator id="passwordV" source="{password_txt}" property="text"  trigger="{connexion_btn}"  triggerEvent="click" />

I tried:

target.errorString = null; // not good

Any clue ?


  • Usually I would set the errorString to an empty string; and I do that on the instance of the component with the red string on it. I believe in that case, it would be your trigger component:

    login_txt.errorString = '';
    password_txt.errorString = '';

    I'm unclear based on the limited code provided if the target you are setting the errorString on will be the same as the actual component specified as the validator source. It could be, we just aren't provided enough information to know for sure.