I have a simple script to pull data from a remote server as a process generates it using rsync
while :
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/foo* ./
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/bar* ./
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/baz* ./
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/qux* ./
sleep 900 #wait 15 minutes, try again
If there are no files, rsync
returns exit status 12 (apparently). In the event that none of the above calls to rsync
finds any data, I would like to break from the loop (the process generating the data probably exited). To alleviate any confusion, I do not want to break from the loop if even 1 of the rsync
processes succeed.
Is there a succinct way to do that in bash?
This way counts the number of fails due to no file.
while :
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/foo* ./
(( $? == 12 )) && let nofile++
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/bar* ./
(( $? == 12 )) && let nofile++
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/baz* ./
(( $? == 12 )) && let nofile++
rsync -avz --remove-source-files -e ssh me@remote:path/to/qux* ./
(( $? == 12 )) && let nofile++
# if all failed due to "no files", break the loop
if (( $nofile == 4 )); then break; fi
sleep 900 #wait 15 minutes, try again