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Did i just destroy my work by incorrectly using git rebase

I executed the following line:

git rebase -i dev --onto master 

I figured this would cut my dev branch and paste it on top of my master branch. And the -i would let me collapse the changesets.

But when it brought up the editor, I did not see any of the changesets. All I saw was "noop". So I just exited it. And then I look at my git history, all my changes are gone. My dev branch is at the same place my master is at!

Can some one help me recover? Thanks!


  • Git makes it hard to lose work.


    git reflog

    Than look for the commit that was just before the rebase

    Then check it out

    git checkout <sha>

    Look around, is it the version you wanted to recover?

    If so, create a branch here

    git checkout -b mybranch