I'm using mongokit with flask, and everytime I try to use a collection I created, I receive the error No collection found
I defined my collections in a separated file models.py. It looks like this:
from mongokit import Connection, Document
import os
import sys
here = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(__file__))
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(here, 'settings'))
from settings import base as settings
connection = Connection()
class Contact(Document):
__database__ = settings.MONGO_DBNAME
__collection__ = "Contact"
structure = {
required_fields = ["name"]
class User(Document):
__database__ = settings.MONGO_DBNAME
__collection__ = 'User'
structure = {
required_fields = ["username"]
default_values = {
"twitter_access_token": "",
"twitter_token_secret": ""
But then I tried:
>>> from models import User
>>> u = User()
>>> u["username"] = "somename"
>>> u.save()
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "/Users/fernandocezar/.virtualenvs/contacts/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mongokit/document.py", line 404, in save
File "/Users/fernandocezar/.virtualenvs/contacts/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mongokit/document.py", line 230, in validate
(size_limit, size_limit_str) = self._get_size_limit()
File "/Users/fernandocezar/.virtualenvs/contacts/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mongokit/document.py", line 214, in _get_size_limit
server_version = tuple(self.connection.server_info()['version'].split("."))
File "/Users/fernandocezar/.virtualenvs/contacts/lib/python2.7/site-packages/mongokit/document.py", line 622, in __getattribute__
raise ConnectionError('No collection found')
mongokit.mongo_exceptions.ConnectionError: No collection found
I followed this tutorial, but not even the notation connection.<dbname>.<collection>()
works. And yes, there is, indeed, such a collection.
What am I missing?
To quote the tutorial you linked:
To avoid repeating ourselves though, let’s specify the database and collection name in the Document definition:
@connection.register class BlogPost(Document): __collection__ = 'blog_posts' __database__ = 'blog' structure = {...} >>> bp = connection.BlogPost()
In the shell example, the model object is constructed through the connection
object. In your case, you were simply doing user = User()
. Try creating the user through the same connection
instance that you used to register the model (e.g. user = connection.User()