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Disabling xforms:upload control with AVT

I have an Orbeon app that displays a table of test results and in this table are upload controls that enable the user to upload the data required by for analysis. I setting up this table I need to disable the xforms:upload control according to the field in my initialization data.

I was trying to use an AVT to invoke display:none style where ever the code finds required="true" in the instance data - but as far as I can tell this has no effect on the displayed output from Form Runner. Can anyone help please?

My XML data and code is below - please see the xforms:upload tag for the location of my problem (display: none):

Sample output:

| Test | Case |     EB Log          |     COM Log            | Status |   
| 022  | 01   | Upload              |                        |        |
| 022  | 02   | Upload              |                        |        |
| 032  | 01   |                     | Upload                 |        |
| 032  | 02   | Upload              | Upload                 |        |
| 032  | 03   | Upload              |                        |        |
| 032  | 04   | Upload              |                        |        |

Sample Data:

    <test id="022">
        <case id="01"><eb_log required="true" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></eb_log><com_log required="false" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></com_log><status>PASS</status></case>
        <case id="02"><eb_log required="true" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></eb_log><com_log required="false" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></com_log><status>FAIL</status></case>
    <test id="032">
        <case id="01"><eb_log required="false" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></eb_log><com_log required="true" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></com_log><status>none</status></case>
        <case id="02"><eb_log required="true" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></eb_log><com_log required="true" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></com_log><status>none</status></case>
        <case id="03"><eb_log required="true" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></eb_log><com_log required="false" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></com_log><status>Run</status></case>
        <case id="04"><eb_log required="true" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></eb_log><com_log required="false" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></com_log><status>Run</status></case>

Test code:

<xhtml:html xmlns=""
        <xhtml:title>XForms Log Analyser</xhtml:title>

            <!-- <xforms:instance id="tests-instance" src="test-view.xml" xmlns=""/> -->
            <!-- <xforms:submission id="tests-submission" serialization="none" method="get" resource="http://localhost:8080/orbeon/log-analyser/test-view.xml" replace="instance" instance="tests-instance"/>  -->
            <!-- <xforms:bind nodeset="instance('tests-instance')" type="xs:anyURI"/> -->

                <!-- Load tests when the XForms engine is ready -->
                <xforms:send ev:event="xforms-ready" submission="list-submission"/>

                <!-- Autosave instance data if any value changes in the instance data -->
                <xforms:send ev:event="xxforms-value-changed" ev:observer="tests-instance" submission="save-submission"/>           

                <!-- Instance that contains all the books -->
                <xforms:instance id="tests-instance">
                    <test id="">
                        <case id=""><eb_log required="" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></eb_log><com_log required="" filename="" mediatype="" size=""></com_log><status></status></case>

                <xforms:bind nodeset="instance('tests-instance')"/>

                <!-- Submission to load/reset the default data -->
                <xforms:submission id="reset-submission" serialization="none"
                    method="get" action="oxf:/apps/log-analyser/test-view.xml"
                    replace="instance" instance="tests-instance"/>

                <!-- Submission to get the document containing all the tests -->
                <xforms:submission id="list-submission" serialization="none"
                    method="get" action="/exist/rest/db/orbeon/log-analyser/tests.xml"
                    replace="instance" instance="tests-instance"/>

                <!-- Submission to save the document containing all the tests -->
                <xforms:submission id="save-submission" ref="instance('tests-instance')"
                    method="put" replace="none">
                    <xforms:message ev:event="xforms-submit-error" level="modal">An error occurred while saving!</xforms:message>

        <fr:datatable paginated="true" rowsPerPage="5" maxNbPagesToDisplay="7">
                    <xhtml:th fr:sortable="true" fr:resizeable="true">Test</xhtml:th>
                    <xhtml:th fr:sortable="true" fr:resizeable="true">Case</xhtml:th>
                    <xhtml:th fr:sortable="true" fr:resizeable="true">EB Log</xhtml:th>
                    <xhtml:th fr:sortable="true" fr:resizeable="true">Com Log</xhtml:th>
                    <xhtml:th fr:sortable="true" fr:resizeable="true">Status</xhtml:th>
            <xhtml:tr repeat-nodeset="test/case">
                    <xforms:output ref="../@id"/>
                    <xforms:output value="@id"/>
                    <!-- <xforms:output value="if(eb_log[@required='true']) then ('Upload') else ('-')"/> -->
                    **<xforms:upload style="{if(eb_log[@required='false']) then ('display: none')}" ref="eb_log"><xforms:filename ref="@filename"/><xforms:mediatype ref="@mediatype"/><xxforms:size ref="@size"/></xforms:upload>**
                    <!-- <xforms:output value="if(com_log[@required='true']) then ('Upload') else ('-')"/> -->
                    **<xforms:upload style="{if(com_log[@required='false']) then ('display: none')}" ref="com_log"><xforms:filename ref="@filename"/><xforms:mediatype ref="@mediatype"/><xxforms:size ref="@size"/></xforms:upload>**
                    <xforms:output ref="status/text()"/>
        <xforms:submit submission="save-submission">
        <xforms:submit submission="reset-submission">


  • A common trick is to use the ref attribute and place a condition on it. So, your upload will simply look like this:

    <xforms:upload ref="com_log[@required = 'false']" ...>

    This works because if the condition is false, then the ref attribute points to the empty sequence. And a control with a binding pointing to an empty sequence is automatically made non-relevant.