Continuously changing imageview image on start of activity. Will it be possible without using Thread?if not at least tell me how to use Thread properly and how should I initiate it. Please.,
It's for a whack a mole like android game.
I tried to do simple display of random text but did not work.
public class NewGame extends Activity {
gameThread gameOn;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
hView = (TextView) findViewById(;
gameOn = new gameThread();
public class gameThread extends Thread
NewGame gameOn;
public void run() {;
Random ramhole = new Random();
int hole = ramhole.nextInt(8);
Random ramletter = new Random();
int letter = ramletter.nextInt(26);
gameOn = new NewGame();
gameOn.hView.setText("Hole = "+hole+"Letter = "+letter);
Please help me out on this.
Use a countdownTimer instead of Thread
new CountDownTimer(9000000, 5000) {
public void onTick(long millisUntilFinished) {
Random ramhole = new Random();
int hole = ramhole.nextInt(8);
Random ramletter = new Random();
int letter = ramletter.nextInt(26);
hView.setText("Hole = "+hole+"Letter = "+letter);
public void onFinish() {
//Restart timer if you want.
You can still do with Threading but its a overkill for what you are trying to do. Also in your case, you cannot do
gameOn = new NewGame();
Activity always needs to be initialized by framework. And setText api should always be called from Ui thread. Maybe that is why your app is not working