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TypeError: Invalid arguments to grsim - Python

Im trying to run this code :

#!/usr/bin/env python
The example presented at the MURI review, illustrating the use of
jtlvint and automaton modules

Nok Wongpiromsarn (
August 3, 2010

minor refactoring by SCL <>
1 May 2011.

Small modifications by Yuchen Lin.
12 Aug 2011

import sys, os
from subprocess import call

from tulip import *
import tulip.polytope as pc

# Specify where the smv file, spc file and aut file will go
testfile = 'robot_discrete_simple'
path = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]))
smvfile = os.path.join(path, 'specs', testfile+'.smv')
spcfile = os.path.join(path, 'specs', testfile+'.spc')
autfile = os.path.join(path, 'specs', testfile+'.aut')

# Specify the environment variables
env_vars = {'park' : 'boolean'}

# Specify the discrete system variable
# Introduce a boolean variable X0reach to handle the spec [](park -> <>X0)
# X0reach starts with TRUE. 
# [](next(X0reach) = X0 | (X0reach & !park))
sys_disc_vars = {'X0reach' : 'boolean'}

# Specify the transition system representing the continuous dynamics
disc_dynamics = prop2part.PropPreservingPartition(list_region=[], list_prop_symbol=[])

# These following propositions specify in which cell the robot is,
# i.e., Xi means that the robot is in cell Ci
disc_dynamics.list_prop_symbol = ['X0', 'X1', 'X2', 'X3', 'X4', 'X5'] 
disc_dynamics.num_prop = len(disc_dynamics.list_prop_symbol)

# Regions. Note that the first argument of Region(poly, prop) should
# be a list of polytopes. But since we are not dealing with the actual
# controller, we will just fill it with a string (think of it as a
# name of the region).  The second argument of Region(poly, prop) is a
# list that specifies which propositions in cont_props above is
# satisfied. As specified below, regioni satisfies proposition Xi.
region0 = pc.Region('C0', [1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0])
region1 = pc.Region('C1', [0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0])
region2 = pc.Region('C2', [0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0])
region3 = pc.Region('C3', [0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0])
region4 = pc.Region('C4', [0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0])
region5 = pc.Region('C5', [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1])
disc_dynamics.list_region = [region0, region1, region2, region3, region4, region5]
disc_dynamics.num_regions = len(disc_dynamics.list_region)

# The transition relation between regions. disc_dynamics.trans[i][j] =
# 1 if starting from region j, the robot can move to region i while
# only staying in the union of region i and region j.
disc_dynamics.trans =   [[1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0], \
                         [1, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0], \
                         [0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1], \
                         [1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0], \
                         [0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1], \
                         [0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1]]

assumption = 'X0reach & []<>(!park)'
guarantee = '[]<>X5 & []<>(X0reach)'
guarantee += ' & [](next(X0reach) = (X0 | (X0reach & !park)))'

# Generate input to JTLV
prob = jtlvint.generateJTLVInput(env_vars, sys_disc_vars, [assumption, guarantee],
                                 {}, disc_dynamics, smvfile, spcfile, verbose=2)

# Check realizability
realizability = jtlvint.checkRealizability(smv_file=smvfile, spc_file=spcfile,
                                           aut_file=autfile, verbose=3)

# Compute an automaton
jtlvint.computeStrategy(smv_file=smvfile, spc_file=spcfile, aut_file=autfile,
                        priority_kind=3, verbose=3)
aut = automaton.Automaton(autfile, [], 3)

# Remove dead-end states from automaton.

# Visualize automaton with DOT file

# This example uses environment vs. system turn distinction.  To
# disable it, just use (the default),
if not aut.writeDotFile(fname="", hideZeros=True):
# if not aut.writeDotFile("",
#                         distinguishTurns={"env": prob.getEnvVars().keys(),
#                                           "sys": prob.getSysVars().keys()},
#                         turnOrder=("env", "sys")):
# if not aut.writeDotFileEdged(fname="",
#                              env_vars = prob.getEnvVars().keys(),
#                              sys_vars = prob.getSysVars().keys(),
#                              hideZeros=True):
    print "Error occurred while generating DOT file."
        call("dot -Tpng -o rdsimple_example.png".split())
        print "Failed to create image from DOT file. To do so, try\n\ndot -Tpng -o rdsimple_example.png\n"

# Simulate.
num_it = 30
env_states = [{'X0reach': True}]
for i in range(1, num_it):
    if (i%3 == 0):

graph_vis = raw_input
destfile = 'rdsimple_example.gexf'
label_vars = ['park', 'cellID', 'X0reach']
delay = 2
vis_depth = 3
aut_states = grsim.grsim([aut], aut_trans_dict={}, env_states=env_states,
                         num_it=num_it, deterministic_env=False,
                         graph_vis=graph_vis, destfile=destfile,
                         label_vars=label_vars, delay=delay,

However just before it ends, it fails at #simulate where it says :

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/Applications/Python 2.7/tulip-0.3c/examples/", line 151, in <module>
  File "/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.7/lib/python2.7/site-packages/tulip/", line 109, in grsim
    raise TypeError("Invalid arguments to grsim")
TypeError: Invalid arguments to grsim

Not sure if this info would help, but the DOT file also failed to be created ..

Failed to create image from DOT file. To do so, try

dot -Tpng -o rdsimple_example.png

Why is giving me a TypeError problem ? How can I fix this ?


  • The following code from grsim throws the exception:

    if not (isinstance(aut_list, list) and len(aut_list) > 0 and
            isinstance(aut_trans_dict, dict) and
            isinstance(env_states, list) and len(env_states) > 0 and
            isinstance(num_it, int) and isinstance(deterministic_env, bool) and
            isinstance(graph_vis, bool) and isinstance(destfile, str) and
            (label_vars == None or isinstance(label_vars, list)) and
            isinstance(delay, int) and isinstance(vis_depth, int)):
        raise TypeError("Invalid arguments to grsim")

    Your graph_vis variable is not a bool, but the raw_input function:

    graph_vis = raw_input

    which you don't even invoke.

    The documentation asks for a boolean as well:

    grsim.grsim(aut_list, aut_trans_dict={}, env_states=[{}], num_it=20, deterministic_env=True, graph_vis=False, destfile='sim_graph.gexf', label_vars=None, delay=2, vis_depth=3)


    • graph_vis – specify whether to visualize the simulation in Gephi.