I am currently using Visual Express C++ (2010) for my project, but I am looking at features in C++11 (thread support). This does not seem to be supported in Express 2010.
From my research so far it looks like I will need Visual Express C++ 2012 version to get support for this (http://blogs.msdn.com/b/vcblog/archive/2011/09/12/10209291.aspx)?
Cite from this page:
In VC11, we intend to completely support the C++11 Standard Library, modulo not-yet-implemented compiler features. (Additionally, VC11 won't completely implement the C99 Standard Library, which has been incorporated by reference into the C++11 Standard Library. Note that VC10 and VC11 already have .) Here's a non-exhaustive list of the changes we're making:
New headers:
<atomic>, <chrono>, <condition_variable>, <future>,<mutex>, <ratio>,
<scoped_allocator>, and <thread>.
So in summary:
What are my options to get Visual Express with <thread>
To get support for Visual Studio Express you either need Visual Studio Express 2012, or you can purchase my Just::Thread library, which provides the C++11 thread library for MSVC 2005 and later on Windows, and various versions of gcc across Windows, Linux and MacOSX.