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webwebdavmilton Authentication

i have written a small grails webapp. I am using to access some content via webdav. So webdav is still working and i am able to put, get, delete files - and so on. But now i want to add authentication and authorization. And here is the problem:

The Resource Interface gives me 2 methods:

Object authenticate(String user, String password);
boolean authorise(Request request, Request.Method method, Auth auth);

So my Resource classes implements the Resource Interface, but the method authenticate is never called by the framework. Do i have to implement Auth Basic by my self?

My knowledge about milton is very poor. May be i forgot something, cause my webdav client (e.g. cadaver) never asks for a username / password.

Thanks for any help Peter Waver

Signature of my Resource Classes:

class SResource implements GetableResource, PropFindableResource, Resource, DeletableResource, MoveableResource,  ReportableResource, CopyableResource 

class SFileResource extends SResource implements ReplaceableResource

class SFolderResource extends SResource implements PutableResource, MakeCollectionableResource, CollectionResource

And here is the builder to get the HttpManager

class SMiltonConfig implements MiltonConfigurator {

protected HttpManagerBuilder builder;
protected List<Initable> initables;
protected HttpManager httpManager;

public SMiltonConfig(){
    try {
        // Attempt to use Enterprise edition build if available
        Class builderClass = Class.forName("io.milton.ent.config.HttpManagerBuilderEnt");
        builder = (HttpManagerBuilder) builderClass.newInstance();
        println ("load Ent. HTTP Manager")
    } catch (InstantiationException ex) {
        builder = new HttpManagerBuilder();
        println ("load Std. HTTP Manager")
    } catch (IllegalAccessException ex) {
        println ("load Std. HTTP Manager")
        builder = new HttpManagerBuilder();
    } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) {
        println ("load Std. HTTP Manager")
        builder = new HttpManagerBuilder();

public HttpManager configure(Config arg0) throws ServletException {
    ResourceFactory rf = new SResourceFactory();
    checkAddInitable(initables, builder.getMainResourceFactory());
    httpManager = builder.buildHttpManager();
    for( Initable i : initables ) {
        i.init(config, httpManager);
    return httpManager;

public void shutdown() {
    for( Initable i : initables ) {

private void checkAddInitable(List<Initable> initables, Object o) {
    if( o instanceof Initable) {
    } else if( o instanceof List ) {
        for( Object o2 : (List)o) {
            checkAddInitable(initables, o2);

And here the ResourceFactory

class SResourceFactory implements ResourceFactory {

def fileSystemService

public SResourceFactory(){
    println "loading resource Factory"
    def ctx = ServletContextHolder.servletContext.getAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
    fileSystemService = ctx.fileSystemService

public Resource getResource(String host, String strPath)
throws NotAuthorizedException, BadRequestException {
    SResource sfr
    sfr = fileSystemService.getFolderByPath(strPath)
    return sfr


  • If you need Basic Auth - you have to enable it. So add the following line to the config method of the SMiltonConfig Class.

    builder.setEnableOptionsAuth(true); // enables auth
    builder.setEnableBasicAuth(true);   // optional 

    Here'S an example of the Resource authorise Method

        public boolean authorise(Request r, Method m, Auth a) {
           return a != null;

    Hope it helps

    Florian Pfann