i'm wondering why linkers can not do their job simply by consulting the information in the actual .dll files that got the actual implementation code ? i mean why linkers still need .lib files to do implicit linking ?
are not the export and relative address tables enough for such linking ?
is there anyway by which one can do implicit linking using only the .dll without the .lib stub/proxy files ?
i thought the windows executable loader would simply do LoadLibrary/LoadLibraryEx calls on behalf of the program (hence the name implicit linking) which is the main difference to explicit linking. if that is true then doing it explicitly without .lib should indicate that it is doable without it implicitly, right ? or i'm just saying non sense?
I can think of a a few reasons.
I don't know of any way to do implicit linking solely with the DLL - A quick search revealed several tools, but I haven't used any of them.
In this case, I would create a separate source file with the functions you need to use, and dynamically load the DLL and bind them as needed. For example:
// using global variables and no-error handling for brevity.
typedef void (__stdcall * FooPtr)();
FooPtr pfnFoo = NULL;
INIT_ONCE initOnce;
BOOL CALLBACK BindDLL(PINIT_ONCE initOnce, PVOID parameter, PVOID context)
theDll = LoadLibrary();
pfnfoo = GetProcAddress(dll, "Foo");
return TRUE;
// Export for foo
void Foo()
// Use one-time init for thread-safe lazy initialization
InitOnceExecuteOnce(initOnce, BinDll, NULL, NULL)