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how to implement the NSToolbarItem Animation like evernote

I want to implement an animation which is like the sync animation of evernote app on Max OS X.

The button looks like: enter image description here

When the animation runs, only is the white arrow rotating.

I tried to use Core Animation, and the steps are following:

1 I dragged a NSButton to the tool bar and set it to an outlet aBtn. I set the blue blackground image to the aBtn.

2 I created a CALayer instance variable aLayer and add it to the aBtn. So it can look like the button above.

3 when aBtn was clicked, I add the rotation animation the aLayer. It run perfectly well.

The problem is when I want to customize the tool bar, the aBtn shown in the tool bar palette didn't have the aLayer and only had the blue background image.

Then I tried to find the event or notification for the showing or closing of the tool bar palette. As a result I can reset the image of the aBtn before the tool bar palette was shown or hidden.However, I couldn't be notified when the tool bar palette was closed.

Could any one give any suggestion?

If you have good idea about how to implement this animation, please let me know.



  • I create a gif to store the animation, and create an NSImageView for the gif. Then I use -[NSToolBarItem setView:].

    Using gif is an easier way than implementing it with Core Animation.