Suppose there is a library module Foo
which is not under my control:
module Foo (Foo, thing) where
data Foo = Foo Int
thing :: Foo
thing = Foo 3
Now suppose I have my own library module, which re-exports thing
from the Foo
module Bar (Foo.thing, getBar) where
import qualified Foo
type Bar = Foo.Foo
getBar :: Bar -> Int
getBar (Foo i) = i
For compatibility reasons, I do not want to export a different thing
. I want to make sure I export Foo.thing
, so that if the user imports both the Foo
and Bar
modules, they will get the same thing
and there will not be a name clash.
Now suppose we have a third module that uses Bar
module Main where
import Bar
Let's load the third into ghci.
[1 of 3] Compiling Foo ( Foo.hs, interpreted )
[2 of 3] Compiling Bar ( Bar.hs, interpreted )
[3 of 3] Compiling Main ( test.hs, interpreted )
Ok, modules loaded: Main, Bar, Foo.
ghci> :t thing
thing :: Foo.Foo
ghci> :t getBar
getBar :: Bar -> Int
ghci> getBar thing
ghci> :info Bar
type Bar = Foo.Foo -- Defined at Bar.hs:3:6-8
Instead of ghci and the haddocks indicating that thing
in module Bar
has type Foo.Foo
, I'd like it to state that thing
has type Bar
. Is there any way to make this happen without exporting a different thing
Unless I hear evidence to the contrary, the answer seems to be: you can't.