Is it possible to register a type for all it's implementing interfaces? E.g, I have a:
public class Bow : IWeapon
#region IWeapon Members
public string Attack()
return "Shooted with a bow";
public class HumanFighter
private readonly IWeapon weapon = null;
public HumanFighter(IWeapon weapon)
this.weapon = weapon;
public string Fight()
return this.weapon.Attack();
public void Test2b()
Container container = new Container();
// this would match the IWeapon to the Bow, as it
// is implemented by Bow
var humanFighter1 = container.GetInstance<HumanFighter>();
string s = humanFighter1.Fight();
It completely depends on your needs, but typically you need to use the Container
's non-generic registration method. You can define your own LINQ queries to query the application's metadata to get the proper types, and register them using the non-generic registration methods. Here's an example:
var weaponsAssembly = typeof(Bow).Assembly;
var registrations =
from type in weaponsAssembly.GetExportedTypes()
where type.Namespace.Contains(".Weapons")
from service in type.GetInterfaces()
select new { Service = service, Implementation = type };
foreach (var reg in registrations)
container.Register(reg.Service, reg.Implementation);
If you need to batch-register a set of implementations, based on a shared generic interface, you can use the RegisterManyForOpenGeneric extension method:
// include the SimpleInjector.Extensions namespace.
This will look for all (non-generic) public types in the supplied assembly that implement IValidator<T>
and registers each of them by their closed-generic implementation. If an type implements multiple closed-generic versions of IValidator<T>
, all versions will be registered. Take a look at the following example:
interface IValidator<T> { }
class MultiVal1 : IValidator<Customer>, IValidator<Order> { }
class MultiVal2 : IValidator<User>, IValidator<Employee> { }
Assuming the given interface and class definitions, the shown RegisterManyForOpenGeneric
registration is equivalent to the following manual registration:
container.Register<IValidator<Customer>, MultiVal1>();
container.Register<IValidator<Order>, MultiVal1>();
container.Register<IValidator<User>, MultiVal2>();
container.Register<IValidator<Employee>, MultiVal2>();
It would also be easy to add convenient extension methods. Take for instance the following extension method that allows you to register a single implementation by all its implemented interfaces:
public static void RegisterAsImplementedInterfaces<TImpl>(
this Container container)
foreach (var service in typeof(TImpl).GetInterfaces())
container.Register(service, typeof(TImpl));
It can be used as follows: